November 18, 2018, 6:30 pm

Opening Devotions — Karen Rath

Review and Approval of September 16 Meeting Minutes

Leadership Reports

Pastor’s Report — Kate Heinzel

Congregational Chair’s Report — Karen Rath

Elders’ Report — Bethany Spicher Schonberg

Finance Committee — Jim Rosenberger

Treasurer’s Report

Balance Sheet

Income & Expenses vs Budget

Income & Expenses by Class

Campus Ministry

3rd Way Collective Report — Ben Wideman

Campus Pastor Covenant



Proposed UMC Bylaws Change


Distribution of ballots

Committee Reports

Ten Thousand Villages Report — Joel Weidner

Meetinghouse Committee Report — Doug Yoder

Fellowship Committee Report — Elaine Mercer

Children and Youth Program Committee Report — Bethany Spicher Schonberg

New Business

Closing Hymn