Our Vision Statement
To follow Jesus Christ faithfully, we are called to:
- enrich our private and public worship through prayer and study of scriptures.
- plan our public worship so that both host and visitor will be drawn into the presence of God.
- offer all that we are and have to God.
To grow as a community of grace, joy and love we want to:
- teach our children, youth and adults the way of Christ.
- provide the means for fellowship, mutual aid, mutual counsel and sharing of concerns and joys.
- practice hospitality through acceptance, openness and forgiveness that transcends our differences and heals our brokenness.
- call and nurture persons who can lead the congregation in its vision.
To live as people of healing and hope we are committed to:
- invite unbelievers to faith in Jesus Christ.
- witness to the nonviolent love of Jesus Christ in our homes, work, neighborhoods, and the world.
- serve the needy in the name of Christ both locally and around the world.
- provide a ministry of hospitality to students at Penn State University.
- join in partnership for mission with a congregation from another country.