Our Statement of Faith, Adopted April 29, 1984

Our congregation is a community of Christian believers who identify with Anabaptist tradition and associate with the Mennonite Church.

We believe in God, loving and eternal,

Who, as Creator, calls the world into existence,
Who, as Reconciler, became incarnate in Jesus to share our life,
Who, as Enabler, lives in us as guiding Spirit.

We believe God interacts creatively with all people,

Convicting us of our sins and alienation from God,
Calling us to repent of our willful failure to follow God’s way,
Offering us reconciliation through Jesus Christ, the acceptance of which is symbolized by water baptism.

We believe the church is an international community of people

Who accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, and voluntarily commit themselves to follow His example and teachings,
Who gather regularly to worship God and share in each other’s spiritual growth and physical needs
Who remember Christ’s death, resurrection, and love by participating in the Lord’s Supper,
Who proclaim God’s presence in the world and God’s promise of everlasting life.

We believe the Bible is God’s authoritative word to us

Presenting a record of God’s interaction with individuals and groups
Revealing God’s love and purposes for us and desire for reconciliation
Offering a guide for our lives as we interpret it through study in community.

We believe God calls us to a life of active discipleship

Sharing the good news of God’s love and salvation by faith
Living a lifestyle of love, justice, and concern for God’s creation, despite differences with the predominant values and practices of society,
Practicing peacemaking and witnessing to the power of love in interpersonal and international relationships.