Join us for In-Person Worship or on Zoom
We hold hybrid worship services (in-person and on Zoom) each Sunday at 10 am eastern time and we welcome you to join us. Our building is accessible and you can read more about the physical space here. If you would like to join on Zoom, complete the contact form below and we’ll send you the link. Our services are recorded each week. Read more about worship and watch a video of a previous service below.
Click here to request the Zoom meeting link information.
In order to protect those that are vulnerable, if you’re not feeling well, we ask that you stay home and join us for worship with us on Zoom.
View other service recordings here
Our services usually last about an hour. One unexpected blessing we discovered while we were worshipping remotely during COVID is to be able to have friends and family from across the state, country, and the world, join us for our worship on Zoom. We regularly have worshipers joining us from Lancaster, Illinois, North Carolina, Arizona, California, South Africa, Ghana, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
We invite you to join us as well! You don’t have to be a member and you are always welcome whenever you can come. To request the Zoom meeting link, click here. You’re welcome to show up in-person or on Zoom in whatever clothing style is comfortable for you. We encourage you to have your video on with Zoom, but if you prefer to be off-camera that’s fine as well. We’re pretty casual.
What’s Worship Like?
Worship is an integral part of the life of University Mennonite Church-a time set aside to meet with God both individually and as a community. A lay worship leader plans and participates in each Sunday’s worship service and works with our worship coordinator, Ben Wideman to create a rich worship experience with music, videos, and live interactions. Volunteers help with leading children’s time, reading scripture, or maybe sharing their voice in other ways. You can view our church worship bulletins here.
“Glimpses of the Divine” video
Each week we include pictures and videos highlighting how those in the UMC family spent the last week. You can be part of the prelude by emailing your pictures and videos to our worship coordinator, Ben Wideman at
Lighting the peace lamp
Near the beginning of each service, the worship leader lights a lamp or candle and offers a prayer for peace in our community and the world.
Offering and prayer
We believe that all things come from God and we see ourselves as stewards of these resources. We encourage all to continue to support the church as you can. Click here to see how to donate to the church.
Children’s time
We value the children in our congregation and take time during each Sunday morning service for a special time for children. Children through fifth grade are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary for children’s time. After children’s time, the nursery is available
for children ages three and under. (Parents, please check to see if the nursery is staffed; if not, please stay with your child.) Children of all ages are also welcome to remain in the sanctuary for the service or to gather at the table in the back for quiet activities using the materials provided.
Hearing the Word – scriptures and sermon
Each Sunday we have a scripture reading. The sermon is preached by our pastor Kate, or by guest speakers from within the congregation, the local community, or the broader faith community. Sometimes the sermons are live and occasionally they have been previously recorded or may be by a Zoom participant. You can view text of many of pastor Kate’s sermons HERE.
Music and singing
Music and singing has always been an integral part of our worship. We also incorporate special instrumental and recorded music into our worship. Voices together is the new Mennonite Church hymnal and our primary worship song book. We also have three other song books that we may use from time-to-time. In the bulletin songs from each book are designated by the book initials (VT, HWB, STS, and STJ).
Voices Together (VT), Hymnal Worship Book, (HWB) Sing the Story (STS), Sing the Journey (STJ)
Sharing joys and concerns/prayer
As a community of faith, we believe it’s important to share our lives with one another. During this open time of sharing, anyone in the congregation is invited to stand and share a joy, testimony, concern, or prayer request. Ushers will provide a handheld microphone for sharing so that all may hear. Those joining us on Zoom are also welcome to unmute themselves and share (when you share those in the sanctuary will see and hear you on Zoom). After sharing, our pastor or one of our elders offers a prayer. Note: To protect privacy, the sharing time is removed from recordings that are publicly shared on our web site and on YouTube.
Introduction of visitors and recognition of birthdays and anniversaries
We are always happy to have visitors worshiping with us. During the time for introductions, if you are comfortable, we invite you to stand up and use a microphone to let us know who your name and where you’re from. We also enjoy recognizing and celebrating special days, so if you or someone you know is having a birthday or anniversary, let us know.
The worship leader or pastor usually ends our worship time with a prayer or blessings. Sometimes we sing a closing song for our benediction.
After worship coffee time and fellowship time
Stick around and enjoy a cup of fair-trade coffee in our foyer or the fellowship hall. Take some time to visit with old friends and make new ones.