February 21, 2016 Meeting, 11:00 a.m.

Opening Devotions – Esther Prins

Review and Approval of November 15 meeting minutes

Leadership Reports

Chair’s Report – Esther Prins

Pastor’s Report – Marv Friesen

Elders’ Report – Kathleen Stehouwer

Finance Committee

Treasurer’s Report – Marvin Hall

Balance Sheet

Income and Expense

Income and Expense by Class

Audit Report for 2014-2015 Fiscal Year (completed by Joel Weidner)

Audited Balance Sheet

Audited Income and Expense

Campus Ministry Report – Ben Wideman-Rosita Benner Derstine

Discussion Items

Spring retreat

Pastoral evaluation and Third Way Collective evaluation

Basement entrance construction

Committee Reports

Worship Committee Report – Gloria Horst Rosenberger

Ghana Partnership Report – Fran Osseo-Asare

Fellowship Committee Report – Elaine Mercer

Meetinghouse Committee – Doug Yoder

The committee has one item to report on. For the past three yrs , the exit stairwell off of the fellowship hall has been falling inward from both sides. We have contacted a number of construction companies for an estimate on correcting the problem. The only company to respond has been Zooks Construction from Belleville. The estimate is for around 13,000 which includes replacing the block stairwell with a concrete one. The issue needs to be corrected as it would not meet code and is a safety issue. The committee is recommending that Zooks construction be permitted to complete the work.

Other Business
