During this time of COVID when we are not using our building, we have been holding one adult Sunday school option each week. Sunday school for children has been suspended until we are able to be back in our building.
Adult Sunday school will begin at 11 am each week and uses the same Zoom meeting information as worship. Sunday school lasts about an hour.
May 30 – Lamenting Racism 4 – Can You Hear Me?, Listening to Race Inflected Stories
Laura and Ken Litwiller
June 6 – Lamenting Racism 5 – It’s Getting Personal, Voicing Our Own Laments
Karen Brandes and Joyce Hall
June 13 – Lamenting Racism 6 – We’ve Only Just Begun, Imagining Our Way Forward
Karen Brandes and Joyce Hall
Sunday school will be on pause for the summer and will resume in the fall.