November 21, 2010 Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Opening – Karen Brandes

Review and Approval of August 29 Meeting Minutes

Charge of Committee to Review UMC Bylaws– Joel Weidner

Discussion on UMC Leadership Structure – Joel Weidner

Review and Discussion of Possible Chair Options for Sanctuary – Carolyn Brubaker/Doug Yoder

Update on United Campus Ministry and proposal to explore options to continue student ministry– Leland Glenna/Brandn Green

Pastor’s Report – Marv Friesen

Elder’s Report – Karl Bartsch

Finance Committee – Terry Yoder

Balance Report, November 21

Actual Income and Expense vs. Budget, November 21

Other Committee Reports – Committee Chairs

Allegheny Mennonite Conference Delegate Session Report– Gloria Horst Rosenberger

Documents Outlining Proposed AMC Regions

Worship Committee– Leah Witzig

Fellowship Committee – Elaine Mercer

Closing – Joel Weidner