February 20, 2011 Meeting, 6:30 p.m.


Review and Approval of November 21 Meeting Minutes

By-Laws Committee Update– Joel Weidner

Creation Care Committee Proposal – Hillel Brandes

Student Ministry Committee Update – Leland Glenna

Congregational Meeting Time Discussion – Marv Friesen

UMC has traditionally held our congregational business meetings on a quarterly basis (usually August, November, February, and May) at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday evenings. At our November meeting the group generally agreed that the time of the meetings is not optimal and could be preventing some individuals from attending. The Leadership Team agreed to conduct a survey to better understand what time/format would work best. One of the options proposed by members is to use the Sunday School hour on a Sunday morning. A clear tension exists between protecting the Sunday School hour and using that time as an effective way to include more participants in our quarterly business meetings. The Leadership team would like to take some time at the February meeting to discuss and brainstorm different ideas for congregational meeting times. The ideas coming out of the meeting would be used to create a survey to solicit broader congregational input.

Allegheny Conference Update – AMC Delegates

Affirmation of UMC Delegate to the 2011 Pittsburgh Convention – Joel Weidner

Finance Committee Updates – Finance Committee

Balance Sheet as of February 12

Budgeted/Actual Income and Expense February 12

Mennonite College Support Proposal – Marvin Hall

Pastor’s Report – Marv Friesen

Elders Report– Karl Bartsch

Other Committee Reports – Committee Chairs

Worship – Rich Stehouwer

Fellowship – Elaine Mercer

Adult SS – Gloria Rosenberger

Ghana Mission Partnership– Laura Litwiller

Other Business – Joel Weidner

Closing – Joel Weidner