August 26, 2012 Meeting, 6:30 p.m.


Review and Approval of May 20, 2012 Meeting Minutes – Joel Weidner

Leadership Reports

Pastor’s Report – Marv Friesen

Elders Report – Fran Osseo Asare

Congregational Chair Report – Joel Weidner

Elder Election/Affirmation

Congregational Chair Election/Affirmation – Joel Weidner has volunteered to serve this coming year as chair

Committee and Representative Reports

Ghana Mission Partnership Committee

Student Ministry Committee – Eric Sauder, Karl Bartsch

Worship Committee – Naomi Smith

Fellowship Committee – Elaine Mercer

Meetinghouse Committee

Finance Committee – Jim Rosenberger

Income and Expense Report and Budget Proposal

Balance Sheet Report

Bylaws Committee Report/Discussion – Molly Kunkel and Bylaws committee

The documents below are for discussion and congregational input.  No decisions are planned for this meeting.

Summary of Proposed Bylaws Changes

Bylaws Draft Document

Graphical Presentation of UMC Positions

Other Business
