Agenda for Congregational Meeting

Sunday, September 8, 2024 11:15 am (in-person and Zoom)

Draft Minutes from Meeting


Review & Approval of minutes from May meeting

Chair Report – Joel Weidner

Seed Fund for Energy Efficiency Upgrades – Creation Care Committee

Financial update and Budget Proposal – Jim Rosenberger and Others

Committee Reports

Meetinghouse Committee – The meeting house committee continues to do incidental maintenance concerns such as light fixtures, bathroom paper towel containers, repairing folding chairs, painting as needed, picnic table umbrella, fire extinguishers, Rotor router plumbing, and keys.

The major item this year was upgrading the children’s playground. The playground set was bought from Noah Kanagy’s woodworking business in Belleville, PA for $1590.

The playground mulch was bought from Metzler’s landscaping in Belleville, PA for $385.

Gloria Horst Rosenberger, Doug Yoder, Marvin Hall, Sam Yoder, Jim Prowant

Food Bank Report – September is Hunger Action Month

The State College Food Bank staff and volunteers are enjoying the new space opened in 2024 at 169 Gerald Street, State College. Groceries and monetary donations continue to be needed to meet the increasing demand.

“Heather Lee, business manager for the State College Food Bank, said over the past six months the food bank has seen an increase from serving about 250 to 300 households a month to serving 400 to 425.”

Non-perishable donations can be brought to the church and placed in bags or boxes under the coat rack at the parking lot entrance. Non-perishable donations can also be taken to the 24-hour drop-off location at 169 Gerald Street, State College. Monetary donations can be made on the website or checks can be mailed to State College Food Bank, 169 Gerald Street, State College, PA 16801.

Thank you for helping to end food insecurity in the Centre Region. – Mary Derstein

Library Committee report – New and used donated books of current or historical importance continue to be added to the library collection. This year we are displaying books in the elevator lobby which are relevant to the current sermon series. In Room #1, there is a display of recent issues of Anabaptist World, Christian Century, and Sojourners magazines as well as issues of educational and denominational publications.

Please check out this helpful resource in the basement Room #1. – Mary Derstein, Diane Gingerich

Other Business
