Congregational Meeting August 2, 2020



We have several important items to cover in this meeting and we are going to attempt to do so in one hour. I have indicated time allotted for each item and will try to adhere to that.

Review and approval of minutes from May 24 meeting

Treasurer’s Report (15 minutes)

Web links to:

Treasurer’s Report-2020-07-25
Actual vs Budget 2020-08-02—summary
Actual vs Budget 2020-08-02—detail
Balance Sheet 2020-08-02
Income and Expense by class 2020-08-02-summary
UMC proposed budget for 2020-2021 Fiscal Year

  • End of fiscal year report
  • Approval of 2021 budget
  • Disbursement of unrestricted reserve funds exceeding 25% of budget

Elder vacancy (5 minutes)

COVID-19 operation and decision-making (15 minutes)

Web links to:

UMC Reopening Survey Results
COVID building use guidelines draft

  • UMC Reopening Survey Results
  • Affirmation of Building Use Guidelines Group
  • Pandemic decision-making related to building use and meetings

Antiracism awareness and action (15 minutes)

Web links to:

Letter to UMC from former UMC youth
Leadership response email July 8 to congregation

Camp Hebron: Do we go or do we stay? (5 minutes)

Committee reports (available online)

Web links to:

Meetinghouse committee report
