Sunday Morning Worship Services

Click here for special information on how we are handling worship during the COVID-19 pandemic.

All our remote (Zoom) worship services can be viewed on our YouTube channel by clicking clicking here.

We gather for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30, and our services usually last about an hour and fifteen minutes. We invite you to join us for a worship service. You don’t have to be a member and you are always welcome whenever you can come. Worship is an integral part of the life of University Mennonite Church-a time set aside to meet with God both individually and as a community.

A lay worship leader and song leader plan and participate in each Sunday’s worship service. Other volunteers help with leading children’s time, taking the offering, and reading scripture. In any given service you might find two children collecting the offering, a college-age student leading singing, and a grandparent reading the scripture.

You’re welcome to dress in whatever style is comfortable for you. You’ll find some worshipers dressed in blue jeans, others in suit jackets or dresses. Our sanctuary is air-conditioned and wheelchair-accessible. Hearing assisted headsets are available at the sound table as you enter the sanctuary. We offer nursery care during worship for infants through kindergarten-age children. Nursery care is available during the Sunday school hour for infants and toddlers.

We digitally record our services and you can listen to them on this website.

Our worship services include several components:


Music plays an important role in each worship service. For congregational singing, we use three song books: The blue hardbound Hymnal Worship Book is referred to in the bulletin as HWB. The green spiral bound Sing the Journey is referred to as STJ, and the purple spiral bound Sing the Story is abbreviated as STS. These three songbooks feature a variety of song styles for worship, from traditional unaccompanied four-part harmony, to hymns accompanied by various instruments such as piano and guitar, to praise songs and songs from different nations and cultures.

Hymnal A Worship Book

Mennonite Hymnal
Blue book

Sing the Journey

Sing the Journey
Green book

Sing the Story

Sing the Story
Purple book

Hearing the word of God

Each Sunday we have a scripture reading, including passages from both the Old and New Testaments. Usually these readings follow the Revised Common Lectionary and the sermon is based on the scripture readings. Pew Bibles (NRSV) are available in each pew. The sermon is preached by our pastor Kate, or by guest speakers from within the congregation, the local community, or the broader faith community.

Children’s time

We value the children in our congregation and take time during each Sunday morning service to invite the children up front for a story. Cloth draw-string bags with activities for children are available in back pews right inside the sanctuary door. You are welcome to take one for your child to use during the service. Please return the bags back to their original location.

Sharing joys and concerns/prayer

As a community of faith, we believe it’s important to share our lives with one another. During this open time of sharing, anyone in the congregation is invited to stand and share a joy, testimony, concern, or prayer request. Ushers will provide a hand held microphone for sharing so that all may hear. After sharing, our pastor or one of our elders offers a prayer. We usually conclude the time with the Lord’s Prayer (spoken in unison).


We believe that all things come from God and we see ourselves as stewards of these resources. When the offering basket is passed, we are giving back to God a portion of what God has given us.

Introduction of Visitors

We are always happy to have visitors worshiping with us. During the time for introductions, if you are comfortable, we invite you to stand and let us know your name. Ushers will provide a hand held microphone so that all may hear.

Special Services

Sometimes our worship services depart from their normal format. Twice a year, for example, we hold Music Sunday-a service dedicated to worshiping God through music and song. Occasionally we plan a Blue Grass Sunday with live music from guitars, bass, and maybe a banjo.

Regardless of the format or those involved, we come to worship as a community, seeking the Spirit’s presence and asking God for wisdom and discernment. We leave empowered to carry out Jesus’ mission to love others and seek peace for the world.